Upcoming gig: Earshot in Cheltenham

Anyone in the Cheltenham area in mid-March? If so, come along to my first gig in a while, performing satirical and topical poems at the Slak Bar in the centre of town. It's an excellent venue, the beer's pretty good and entry is only £3 - fine value in these recessionary times!
Here's the press release: "Celebrity slammers Adam Horovitz and Sonia Hendy-Isaacs will be taking to the stage at Slak in Cheltenham on Wednesday, March 18th as part of a live literature event in Cheltenham."Earshot is an edgy and eclectic night of slam poetry and prose, which also features self-confessed writing addict/author of Nice Bits and Hissy-fits Mikki Byrne and prolific performance poet Brenda Read Brown. The night consists of guest poets (and rappers) plus an open mic section."
Organiser Anna Saunders says: 'The Cheltenham Festival of Literature slam has shown how popular performance poetry can be and we wanted to open the night up to poets who write for the page. The night includes big names on the slam circuit, plus up and coming poets who are just about to get published. Plus the open mic section means anyone who has a poem in them can get up on stage.”
Adam has performed his poetry at the Glastonbury Festival, in Slovenia and Los Angeles and all over the UK. His performance at Slak bar, Cheltenham, will give poetry lovers the chance to hear his witty, topical and satirical work for www.markborkowski.com a little bit closer to home. Adam’s first pamphlet of poems, Next Year in Jerusalem, came out in 2004 and he is currently completing a new one, Palimpsest, to be released later this year."
Sonia Hendy-Isaac has won several prestigious poetry slams over the past three years – most notably the Ledbury Poetry Festival Slam in 2007. Her debut poetry collection, Flesh, is due from Bluechrome later this year."
Earshot runs at Slak Bar, Cheltenham on Wednesday 18th March, 2009 at 8 p.m. Entrance £3.
Hope to see you there!